Saturday, May 16, 2015

Bad Words

add in however many other terms you can think of in their respective place with left being the most widely accepted as being more offensive and the right being the most widely accepted as being neutral.
i don't really get the purpose or idea of referring to something with a different label because one is less offensive. without the word being a flat out insult, like referring to someone as Fuck Face, or lets say, a whole race or sexual orientation as Fuck Faces, then it's a legit describing word. changing the word used to something else which describes the same thing doesn't change anything.
unless you're thinking that words like Faggot, Kike, Nigger, etc, are inherently evil, as in it is written in the laws of the universe that these words are bad, then saying something else (a less offensive widely accepted word) in their place to describe the same thing doesn't fix or change anything. the intent to describe that specific thing would be the same. so... is what is being described that which is evil? yes, but no, because things aren't inherently evil. specific words CAN be used instead of other words for the express purpose to offend, of course. that's true because people trying not to offend avoid using those words so fervently. if the ONLY occasions when what are considered to be offensive words are used is to offend people, then they only gain more and more power to offend. if EVERYONE used ANY word that described what they wanted to describe to describe what they wanted to describe, then there would be NO words deemed inherently evil or offensive. this excludes insults like Fuck Face, unless you are describing someone's face when they fuck, or if someone, somehow, is actually a fuck face. whatever that would be. the origin of words shouldn't be considered here, because once a word is introduced and accepted as describing a thing, then that's it. it describes that thing. trying to make it hush-hush and sweep it under the rug because it's so offensive is, like i said before, just giving it more power to offend because it is being recognized as officially being offensive. however, like i also mentioned before, words can't be evil. there are no certain combinations of man-made symbols which have the innate property of being evil. that doesn't make any sense. SO, if something is officially recognized as being offensive, then it's not the word that's actually being recognized as being offensive, whether that's how people see it or not. what's being made official is "don't use words that remind groups of people or someone that they're different." which reinforces that being different is bad, more specifically that being what makes that group or person different is bad...
the problem with offensive words is that there are no widely accepted definitions that are exact enough for people to say "hey, no, you're using that word wrong. "Nigger" is a word that was used by a people of a completely different era to describe another people of the same completely different era, both being peoples who have changed much since then. you are neither of these, and neither is what you are describing. are you stupid, or are you delusional and think that you are present in that era?"that doesn't happen because these offensive words have been given life, oomph, power, and stigma over the decades due to being so taboo. they won't change by being ignored and left only to the people who will use them as a one-word-insult. if offensive words were used much much more often by everyone then they would become watered down, and no longer capable of being used to insult people. those people who would use those words to offend would then be stuck with actually having to describe how they're offending their target, which, i believe, since there isn't really anything to be offended about, wouldn't work very well....
Offender: "FAGGOT!"Faggot: "huh? well, yes, i am a faggot. also a queer. and i belong under many other descriptive words. what do you want, friend?"Offender: "What? No, i'm calling you a faggot, faggot. because you're a fucking faggot. be offended or hurt or whatever!"Faggot: "i don't get it. why am i supposed to be offended or hurt? what you're saying is true, i belong to these definitions."Offender: "wh... you're just supposed to be offended! pissed off! because what i'm saying is bad!*** because you like men! and that's bad! because it's gross and icky and you fucking faggot just be fucking offended!"Faggot: "i don't see what's bad about it, i thoroughly enjoy being the way i am, if i didn't i don't think i would be this way. i don't think you understand what you're saying, there's really nothing offensive about it... the only thing that's mildly offensive is that you apparently want me to be offended and hurt, but don't entirely know why... so, i hope you figure out whatever it is you're angry at. maybe after that we can be friends."Offender: "no! we can't be friends! because you're gay!"Faggot: "i don't get it. that doesn't seem like much of a reason not to be friends."Offender: "it's a perfect reason! you're gay! and being gay isn't natural! you're like some kind of mutant!"Faggot: "well, no, because i am entirely natural. if i wasn't i think i would be some kind of robot or something."Wannabe-Offender: *frustrated noises, walks off.*...***this is exactly what i'm talking about. people use these words because they know them to be offensive but not why. this is a learned shortcut to skip the process of actually figuring out an insult and telling someone they should be offended "just because...". if these words were used in everyday language to describe the things they describe neutrally then they would lose their offensive power. i have many first hand experiences and examples to draw from and i'm sure everyone does. mine vary from mispronouncing words in a different language and being told "nein.... dass ist nicht OK" to being raised thinking "indian" was a perfectly acceptable word to describe a people who i was later told prefer the term native. and then later, first nations. and i'm still confused about how the term aboriginal is accepted or refused. i had no idea why one was correct or more correct than the other, and now i'm in a place where it apparently doesn't matter. black, negro, african american, i have no idea. i have NO idea what is actually acceptable because i feel like i've heard of one or more people being offended about being referred to by every one of those and more. it doesn't make fucking sense. WORDS aren't offensive. PEOPLE are offendable. I didn't have a clear notion of what racism was until highschool, it didn't make sense. it still doesn't, but now when people say "racism" i have experiences to draw from. elementary was "yeah, people have different coloured skin. and racists are people who don't like some colours, but why? there's nothing wrong with someone just because of their colour or where they're from." and highschool (and forever after) was (and is) "what the fuck is wrong with people for suddenly joining a team or taking a side? this still doesn't make sense, but now it exists around me in my circle." there is no backing behind the offensive words people use, there is just stigma. Every word used to put people down, to keep people down, etc, was only able to do so because people let it do that. someone said "this word describes a people, and these persons are disgusting, dirty, and barely considered a "people"." and then the seeming majority of people said "okay." and if something describes something, then that thing suddenly exists. "but cameron, the word Unicorn describes a unicorn but they don't exist... idiot." yeah, sure they don't.. mind describing what a unicorn is to me? you bet it exists, because you know exactly what it is. now, if the word Unicorn described something different from what you know as a unicorn now, then what you know as a unicorn now wouldn't exist. viola, words creating things by being accepted as describing the thing they describe. the key here is that they need to be ACCEPTED to mean that thing. which is what is so fucking retarded about having "bad" words in a language. "PEOPLE! i have an announcement, i have just created a word - Wikke - which describes white people. I am filing it under the "bad" word category, and it should be used as being synonymous with terms that describe things of the like of "someone who doesn't know when to shut the fuck up about things they don't understand", "someone who can't stop talking about things they don't have first hand experience in", "someone who is so fucking retarded that they think that wounds caused to mass groups of people over centuries can just be undone", "an inconsiderate asshole", "a fatass who doesn't know what real work is or how it is to get somewhere from nothing", "someone who doesn't know what it's like to have all the odds stacked against them", "the butcher of world civilizations and rapist of lands the world over, taking advantage of peoples and their religions, cultures, ingrained beliefs, and good natures" etc." but.. why would we want that word? it's being born into taboo, it's being created for the EXPRESS purpose of offending people. however, there are two things there- the definition and the attached connotations. the definition is fine, it's just describing something. the attached meaning to that word is what doesn't make sense. there should be OTHER words to describe each one of those things.  Scargiter- someone who doesn't know when to shut the fuck up... and so on... it is the described thing that matters, and that is ALL that matters. in this case it would go like this-
Wikke. Noun. def. - a Caucasian or light skinned person. and in another example of how things should be in a world where words are taken as what they describe...  
Fag. Noun. def. - a person (normally male) who is sexually attracted to the same sex.
what you're NOT going to find are official definitions like this:
Wikke. Noun. def. - a Caucasian or light skinned person, which are all punk ass white boys who never understand when they're talking about things they aren't allowed to talk about, who have things given to them, who think they're better than everyone else because they're Caucasian or light skinned, who are just bad people.
Dyke. Noun. def. - a pussy licking rug munching bitch who is jealous of the male body and is sexually attracted to females... and on and on and on. for more examples, just imagine all the bad words you know and think about what you think they mean or what they describe and how they describe it.
THIS ISN'T HOW WORDS WORK. you might be thinking "well, yeah, some words DO mean things like that". i can't say this enough... that's ONLY because you accept that they do! so STOP accepting that they mean offensive things! because YOU are the one (of many) who give those words power to invoke those vary types of descriptions in the people who hear them and are offended!
if you're using those words to offend people, you're the bully in the schoolyard. if you don't use those words because they're "bad" you are the bystander/enabler. if you're using those words to describe what they describe in a neutral manner then you're making an active effort to diminish the power those words have, taking away power from the words of people who wish to offend others with bad words....

alright, i don't think i could ever come to a good close to this. i don't even know if this was a good start or middle either. whatever the case, i'm blaming the exact taboo i'm talking about as well as trying to talk about words while using words. it's just. so. fucking. frustrating....

also, bad words used in exclamation like when you hurt yourself, "FUCK!" are ridiculous to substitute with something else. the word is just a word, if anything is offensive it's the expression of anger....

also also, people having a personal problem with a word and being offended by it are completely understandable. sometimes people are scarred by things and have trigger words. it's fine for them to ask someone to avoid using that word, but it's ridiculous for them to expect someone to cater to them. most people probably will, but how much would you want to smack someone if they told you "hey! i want this asshole fired! he used my trigger word and i asked him to stop and he kept using it! the way, my trigger word is "Family""...

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