Saturday, May 16, 2015

Remember Me by This

"Remember me by this"
is what you said
as you bequeathed what you bequothe to me
from within your hand upon to mine,
a locket you yourself had made
and just a day before,
with the very hands that grazed mine then;
the only ones to touch my core.

i was shook and shaken
full of fear
and also anger too
but you did what you had done
and one last time you disappeared. 

that locket in my hands,
the hands that yours had touched too soon before,
those hands then clenched so tight
the clasp your hands had made with so much care
was stuck sealed solid for four more years.

not a word did i speak to you
nor would i had i found you.
not a single sound then passed these lips upon this face,
this face of mine you used to kiss,
not a single sound was meant for you
or either of your ears.

not until that seal stuck solid gave way
and brought back your disappearing day
did i ever say a word,
a word which what was wished to whisper passed your thoughts
and echo off the walls that you had built inside your heart,
the walls s that you yourself had built
with those very hands,
the walls which never kept me out
but which had never let me in.

stuck solid seals give way in such a fashion 
that the clasp is then just more decay,
and upon mine eyes gazing at that locket
which you yourself had made
with the very hands you hold
holding someone else's to this day,
i did not see what i had seen each day before.

for those four years it was your golden face,
a face that stopped one's heart at but a glance
then made it quicken pace.
your golden face inside that locket,
with a smile only god could make,
with the very hands which he must hold,
which must have made the rest of you,
but this was not the case.

within that locket which you gave to me
with words telling, that this, the only way must be
how i remember you,
i did not find your golden face,
nor silver smile,
but instead a picture of myself
grinning like a child.

i do remember the occasion though i know it's not important,
you wished to be remembered- not in physical attraction
but in how you let me love you
and from your every silver smile
my school boy reaction.

the words i then did whisper
from my lips to yours,
words i doubt you noticed
as we are far from each our doors,
these words whispered something that i feared,
something that i feared so deeply
i had never said before
but yes i mean them now
and do i ever mean them truly
I am sorry. 

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